
Monday, February 16, 2015

Inchie Texts

Show your texts inchies! 

Leave a comment with a link to your inchie art or link yourself!


  1. A little delay today.
    Thank you for dropping by and linking up.
    My text is out of an old book. I added some beads.

  2. This is gorgeous! Love the old German Gothic. Which book?

  3. Seeing that lovely gothic script took me back to my school days! In second year senior school our German text book was printed in gothic script, I could never read it, it was a really old book & the printing was quite fuzzy :-( but I was talking about that very book to my husband only a few days ago & saying that I wished I still had it to use in my art! So thank you for reminding me of those days gone by!


  4. I love your inchie, I love the cool look of the font, great work!

  5. great inchie - I love those old fonts. Once took a course in graduate school where we had to read Shakespeare in the original text - complete with long S's and inconsistent spelling. It was quite a challenge but a lot of fun.

  6. Your inchie is perfect! I just knew everyone would think texting - so I see am not the only one who went with "real" text.

  7. Wonderful text. I think all we artsy people would love one of those books!

  8. Well, Trillian, you did it again!! Amazing job! I love the added beads! Have a great weekend! :0)Annette Ps, do you mind me asking where you are from?
