
Monday, March 26, 2018

Inchie Ecuador

I love the colourful clothes and the hats the women wear in Ecuador!

Monday, March 19, 2018

Inchie Russia

St Petersburg and Mosco are on our list with places we would like to visit.
One day I hope to see the famous towers of the Cathedral on the Red Square
and that is why I chose them for this inchie.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Inchie Samoa

Historically there was no writing in Polynesian culture
so the Polynesian’s used tattoo art that was full of distinctive signs
to express their identity and personality.
Tattoos would indicate status in a hierarchical society
as well as sexual maturity, genealogy and ones rank within the society.
Nearly everyone in ancient Polynesian society was tattooed.
The turtle or honu is an important creature throughout all Polynesian cultures
and has been associated with several meanings.
Turtles symbolise health, fertility, longevity in life, foundation, peace and rest.
Source: The Polynesian Tattoo Handbook

Monday, March 5, 2018

Inchie Australia

I always thought that in Australia there would be a koala in almost every tree.
But during our stay in Australia I learned that they are not so common at all and that there are a lot of people who live there, who have never seen a koala in the wild in their entire lives.
So I feel _very_ happy and privileged that I have seen one in the wild.
That is why I chose a koala for this inchie and I used one of my own pictures.